Cross Section Analysis & Design Crack + License Key Download

Cross Section Analysis & Design Crack + License Key Download

Cross Section Analysis & Design Crack With Activation Code Latest

Comprehensive software program that features advanced calculation capabilities for helping you handle any arbitrary cross section under biaxial bending and axial loads

Version 5.1
Updated October 25 2023
User Rating 4.9
940 4.9
Original File Size 18.2 MB
Downloads 8575
Systems Windows All
Category Science Cad

Cross Section Analysis & Design previous crack versions:

Cross Section Analysis & Design is a professional software application whose purpose is to help you carry out advanced cross section calculations.

The utility is able to work with any arbitrary cross section under biaxial bending and axial loads and offers support for the calculation and illustration of Moment vs. Curvature graphs, interaction surfaces, stain distributions, stress contour plots, as well as reinforcement check or design options.

Plus, it complies with all major codes for reinforced concrete sections (e.g. AASHTO, UBC, AS 3600, IS 456, ACI 318, BS 8110, CSA A233) and user-defined materials (e.g. linear, bilinear, trilinear, parabolic).

The layout may seem a bit overwhelming at a first glance but this is only because the program comes packed with many dedicated parameters. You need to take some time and experiment with the built-in features for making the most out of this tool. Additionally, you may count on the tooltips and help manual for finding out additional information about each function.

By default, Cross Section Analysis & Design Crack calculates the elasticity modulus of concrete according to the specified Reinforced Concrete Regulation, and allows you to enable the “Default rectangular by code for ULS” function in order to automatically calculate and use the equivalent rectangular stress distribution, calculate the strength reduction factors, and specify the maximum allowable compressive axial load for reinforced concrete cross sections.

The application performs checks to verify the material resistance limitations, and lets you export the geometry image to JPEG, BMP, or GIF file format, perform basic editing operations (copy, rotate, mirror, replicate, delete, copy), undo or redo your actions, zoom in or out, switch to a full screen mode, and use hotkeys.

What’s more, you can pick the measurement unit, define the materials (e.g. concrete, reinforcement, linear, bilinear), draw various geometric objects, set up the geometry of an object by typing in the coordinates in a dedicated form or by directly clicking on the drawing area, define parameters which are assigned to each analysis and control how each material behaves, as well as provide some advanced data (e.g. concrete stress block parameters, strength reduction factors, safety parameters).

All things considered, Cross Section Analysis & Design comes packed with a wide range of dedicated parameters for helping you perform advanced cross section calculations, and is suitable especially for professional users.

Cross Section Analysis & Design reviews

18 May 2019

Cross Section Analysis & Design کے لئے کریکر کے لئے آپ کا شکریہ

01 September 2019

эти серийные ключи актуальны?

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