ASP2JSP Crack & Serial Key

ASP2JSP Crack & Serial Key

ASP2JSP Crack With Serial Number

Convert Active Server Pages (ASP) applications to Java Server Pages (JSP).

Version 3.0
Updated Mar 27th 2008
User Rating 2.6
926 2.6
Original File Size 2 MB
Downloads 8304
Systems Windows All
Category Programming

ASP2JSP previous crack versions:

ASP2JSP is a powerful piece of software designed for the purpose of converting ASP (Active Server Pages) applications to JSP (Java Server Pages) and Java including VB modules (.bas), classes (.cls files) and the VBScript code.

Here are some key features of "ASP2JSP":

■ Generates JSP pages from ASP pages (using VBScript)

■ Generates Java classes from COM objects developed in Visual Basic

■ Supports built-in ASP Objects: Application, Cookie, Request, Response, ScriptingContext, Server, Session

■ Converts ASP applications and VB projects containing the modules and classes used to implement any COM objects used in the ASP pages.

■ Command-line tool (convert all files *.asp at once)


■ Application server or web server supporting JSP v1.1 or later

■ 2 MB disk space

■ Application server or web server supporting JSP v1.1 or later

■ Java 2 SDK (v1.2 or higher)


■ 30 days trial

■ Limited to 1 ASP file and 1 include file and a total of 500 lines of code.

ASP2JSP reviews

09 April 2019

спасибі за кейген для ASP2JSP

14 May 2019

ASP2JSP seri için teşekkürler

08 January 2020

grazie mille per il crack

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