Copan Pro+DWG Crack Plus Serial Number

Copan Pro+DWG Crack Plus Serial Number

Copan Pro+DWG Crack + Serial Key Updated

Compute and manage land survey coordinates and draft DWG survey maps and plans.

Updated January 28 2021
User Rating 4
901 4
Original File Size 186.5 MB
Downloads 6700
Systems Windows All
Category Science Cad

Copan Pro+DWG previous crack versions:

Copan Pro+DWG is a very functional and easy-to-use desktop/netbook geomatics engineering tool for computing and managing plane land surveying and mapping coordinates, and drafting survey maps and plans.

It does numerous coordinate geometry (COGO) calculations, processes and adjusts raw field survey data, computes and adjusts map traverse data, performs map or deed checks, calculates areas and perimeters, performs coordinate transformations, imports/exports Ascii files, draws lines, arcs, polylines, labels and symbols, and export AutoCad-compatible DWG files, processes digital level data.

It supports quadrant and whole-circle bearings, south-based and north-based circle bearings, and gons (or grads) as well as degrees-minutes-seconds. It saves coordinate files continuously -- no need to save manually. It supports Geodimeter, Leica, Wild, Nikon and TDS total station formats.

Draft with it in model-space or paper-space, via mouse cursor or via coordfile point. Its coordinate files may be accessed by UGL's version of Windows Free42, an HP-42S simulator program, or copied to a memory card and used directly by the Palm OS, Pocket PC and Mobile versions of Copan. It is easy to use, which makes it suitable for any user, from land surveyors to students.

Copan Pro+DWG reviews

07 August 2019

Tack för Copan Pro+DWG seriell

05 November 2019

Are you awesome

13 April 2020

Thank you for the crack for Copan Pro+DWG

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