Flash Menu Labs Pro Crack & Keygen

Flash Menu Labs Pro Crack & Keygen

Flash Menu Labs Pro Crack Plus Serial Key

A user-friendly and powerful application that helps you create Flash menus by selecting from various preset themes, add background image and music, and generate XML sitemap

Version 2.085
Updated Nov 30th 2013
User Rating 4.0
1117 4.0
Original File Size 21.6 MB
Downloads 11187
Systems Windows 2K, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 2003
Category Internet

Flash Menu Labs Pro previous crack versions:

Flash Menu Labs Pro is a professional software application that helps you create Flash menus for websites without having to know a programming language.

Although it comes packed with many dedicated parameters, it sports a clean and straightforward layout that reveals a well-organized set of functions.

Flash Menu Labs Pro gives you the possibility to choose between various Flash menu themes, add menu or submenu items, delete the selected menu, as well as arrange the menu items order by moving them up or down.

What’s more, you are allowed to set up the menu position, insert a “Search” button, configure the mouse right-click parameter, apply the colorize effect, as well as add icons and URLs.

The program lets you to enable or disable the animated objects, pick the font, insert additional image effects when you hover the mouse cursor over a menu item, as well as make the background transparent or upload an image (JPG, GIF, PNG, SWF).

Other important features worth mentioning are represented by the possibility to add background music by uploading MP3 or WAV files, attach click sounds, and set up the parameters for the submenu items.

Last but not least, you can use hotkeys for a better control over the entire process, preview the Flash menu in a dedicated pane, create your own skins, and design horizontal menus with additional images. Plus, the tool offers support for XML sitemap generation and JavaScript execution.

During our testing we have noticed that Flash Menu Labs Pro Crack carries out a task quickly and provides excellent image quality, without putting a lot of stress on CPU and memory.

All in all, Flash Menu Labs Pro proves to be a reliable tool that comes bundled with a decent pack of features for helping you design Flash menus. The ace up its sleeve is the intuitive layout which makes it an ideal tool for beginners and professionals alike.

There is also a standard edition of the program, but it doesn’t offer support for user-defined skins, XML sitemap generation, and JavaScript execution.

Flash Menu Labs Pro reviews

24 February 2020

working crack. thanks

23 April 2020

Flash Menu Labs Pro के सीरियल नंबर के लिए धन्यवाद

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