IT Monitor Crack & Keygen

IT Monitor Crack & Keygen

IT Monitor Crack Plus Serial Key

IT Monitor is the leading solution for monitoring LAN, WAN and Applications

Version 3.0
Updated Aug 9th 2006
User Rating 3.1
942 3.1
Original File Size 66.6 MB
Downloads 7739
Systems Windows 2K, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows NT
Category Network Tools

IT Monitor previous crack versions:

IT Monitor is the leading solution for monitoring every aspect of your LAN and WAN network.

It proactively manages your network servers, printers, network devices, databases and applications; It detects and corrects problems before network users start complaining. The product is extremely scalable. It's shipped with an impressive collection of pre-defined, built-in monitoring functions;

When problems are detected, you're immediately notified by network message, e-mail, or SMS message.

The product includes build-in monitor rules for: Disk Drives, CPU Usage, Disk Spaces, FTP sites, HTTP(s) (with content checking), ICMP/Ping, MS SQL Databases, Novell NDS, NNTP news servers, NTDS (NT4 compatible DS), NTP time servers, ODBC Databases, Oracle Databases (SQLNet), POP3 Mail servers, Printers, Processes, Services, SMTP Mail servers, SNMP, TCP ports (with handshaking), UDP, URL,MS Exchange,Oracle,MS SQL,MySQL,DNS,CISCO,DHCP,SNMP,ATG Server,SUN Server

Here are some key features of "IT Monitor":

■ Application Statistics

■ Is the database functional and able to accept queries?

■ Is the FTP server functional and able to retrieve files?

■ Is the mail server accepting requests?

■ Is a downloads page of your Web site available?

■ Server Statistics

■ What is the percentage of CPU currently in use?

■ How much disk space is currently in use on your system?

■ How much virtual memory is currently in use?

■ What is the throughput of your web server?

■ Network Statistics

■ Is the DNS server accepting requests?

■ Is a host on the network available?

■ Can the IP address for a specific domain be obtained?

■ Can connection be made to a specific port?

■ Other Statistics

■ Has the text on your web page has been modified?

■ Is your Web site up and available?

■ Actions

■ Start Another test

■ Start/Stop service

■ Start/Stop Application

■ Send Mail

■ Popup

Requirements: 256 MB RAM 250 MB free disk space

IT Monitor reviews

03 March 2019

you are the best

05 July 2019

grazie mille per il keygen del IT Monitor

01 March 2020

grazie mille per il patch

13 April 2020

how to use IT Monitor crack?

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