Jewelry Crack + License Key (Updated)

Jewelry Crack + License Key (Updated)

Jewelry Crack Full Version

Comprehensive activity manager for jewelers, featuring employee and customer information, schedule tracking, multipurpose reports, and more

Version 2.73
Updated July 5 2021
User Rating 4
930 4
Original File Size 3.8 MB
Downloads 7739
Systems Windows All
Category Others

Jewelry previous crack versions:

  • v.11.97 Crack With Activator Latest

Jewelry is an advanced, yet simple-to-use software utility that enables you to create and manage a database with products for your jewelry shop. It lets you track orders and payments, create a schedule for your employees, and monitor appraisals or repairs, among many other features.

The installation is fast and contains only familiar options. Jewelry gets launched in fullscreen mode and invites you to log in with an administrator name and password (the default ones can be later changed).

The database can be filled with customer data by specifying personal details, addresses, notes, profile photographs, and any other kind of useful data.

You can set up your company's profile, create taxes with rates, configure SMTP settings to send email notifications to yourself or your employees, change states and provinces, select the printer type between report and station, as well as connect a cash drawer to the computer.

In addition, it's possible to put together a list with vendors, administer employee schedules, vacation and sick days, along with planned vacations or unpaid leave, generate a report with all vacations, set up SMS carriers, add and edit customer consent terms, or create merchant accounts with login and train IDs.

Details surrounding customers and products can be imported from external files with the .txt or .xls format. You can place, view, save and print orders, manage gift certificates and the received inventory, input payments made to vendors and unpaid invoices, add bank accounts and administer bank activities, calculate loan payments, as well as generate a wide range of reports, such as end-of-day summary, cash drawer, due customers, gift certificates, sales, or products.

We haven't come across any stability issues in our tests, thanks to the fact that Jewelry Crack didn't hang, crash or display error messages. It had a good response time and minimal impact on computer performance, using low CPU and RAM.

Aside from the fact that its interface needs some improvements in the looks department, Jewelry is filled with practical and intuitive options for managing a complete database for jewelry shops.

Jewelry reviews

02 May 2019

Baie dankie vir die serial Jewelry

13 March 2020

Gracias por Jewelry keygen

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