ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus Crack + Serial Number (Updated)

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus Crack + Serial Number (Updated)

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus Crack & Serial Number

This web-based Windows Active Directory allows you to performs backup/recovery and change control options for files on a particular domain

Version 6.0 Build 6080
Updated December 8 2023
User Rating 3.8
822 3.8
Original File Size 183 MB
Downloads 6117
Systems Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 2008, Windows 2008 64 bit, Windows 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit
Category System

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus previous crack versions:

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus is a powerful and reliable tool that enables you to manage the data in the Windows Active Directory. The software allows you to create backups and data recovery, as well as change control options, permissions or restoring tombstoned objects.

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus is a tool designed to help you manage the data transfer to and from the Windows Active Directory. The Active Directory is a Microsoft service, that is developed especially for Windows domain network and is generally included in the Windows Server operating systems as a set of processes.

This service provides you with domain control options, for authenticating and authorizing users/stations in a Windows domain type network. Moreover, it allows you to assign and enforce security policies on the computers it supervises.

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus is a reliable solution in case of a system crash or accidental deletion, since it allows you to recover lost data or restore tombstoned objects with little effort. Moreover, it can create incremental backups, based on a given schedule, in order to save even the most recent changes in the Active Directory.

One of the main functions of the software is the granular recovery. In other words, you can recover an entire directory, specific files, objects or even attributes and settings, in order to repair accidental changes. Additionally, the Active Directory (AD) object rollback function allows you to create ‘checkpoints’ for each backup operation that you perform. This way, in case of unwanted changes you can go back to one of the rollback points you created during an activity.

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus Crack also allows you to control the changes made to the Active Directory, by restoring, undeleting or undoing several actions. Additionally, you may easily delete any object created after setting a rollback point.

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus is a reliable tool and features a clear-cut dashboard, that you can easily access from your Internet browser. Moreover, it features powerful searching engines and a recovery process that can restore the AD objects without requiring a restart of the server.

ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus reviews

21 April 2019

Baie dankie vir die keygen

19 July 2019

спасибо за патч дляManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus

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