PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component Crack Plus Activator

PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component Crack Plus Activator

PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component Crack + License Key

Create PDF417 barcode symbols from alpha/numerical text/binary.

Version 2.5
Updated Apr 5th 2013
User Rating 2.8
869 2.8
Original File Size 348 KB
Downloads 7601
Systems Windows All
Category Programming

PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component previous crack versions:

PDF417 is a multi-row, variable-length symbology offering high data capacity and error-correction capability. One PDF417 symbol is capable of encoding more than 1100 bytes, 1800 ASCII characters, or 2700 digits, depending on the selected data compaction mode.

The SDK includes API [static library and dynamic library], ActiveX and ASP Component. Using the SDK, you can:

· Create PDF417 barcode symbols from alpha/numerical text/binary.

· Output barcode image with the formats such as BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG.

· Render barcode images on any devices, and create device resolution dependent images.

· Full controls of the bar code image styles, such as background color, bar color, image quality, rotation angle, x-dimension, captions, etc.

· Chose four error correction levels according to the operating environment.

· Supprt version 1 to version 8,each version has a different module configuration or number of modules.

COM is a specification and a set of services that allow you to create modular, object-oriented, customizable and upgradeable, distributed applications using a number of programming languages.

COM stands for Component Object Model. COM components are an essential part of ASP. Using PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component Crack you will be able to develop application or using it in ASP server side as a component. Using ASP, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Basic,Microsoft Visual J++, Borland C++ Builder ,Borland Delphi, Borland J++ Builderor other development tools support to use COM.

PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component reviews

18 May 2019

thanks for the keygen for PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component

01 February 2020

Thanks for the serial number for PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component

13 May 2020

PDF417 Encoder SDK ASP Component کے لئے کریکر کے لئے آپ کا شکریہ

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