TCP Splitter Crack + Serial Key Download

TCP Splitter Crack + Serial Key Download

TCP Splitter Crack + Serial Number Download 2025

Split a TCP or UDP data stream to two or three destinations with the help of this software utility that comes with an easy-to-configure GUI

Version 1.1.5 Build 927
Updated September 28 2023
User Rating 4.0
750 4.0
Original File Size 3.3 MB
Downloads 6021
Systems Windows 2K, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2003, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit
Category Internet

TCP Splitter previous crack versions:

If you are looking for a software utility to help you split data streams for several PC ports simultaneously, taking TCP Splitter for a spin could result in various benefits.

The application is capable of splitting a TCP or UDP data stream into multiple destinations so that third-party programs can process the incoming data.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that the application’s setup process is untroublesome, and once you have the tool up and running, you are prompted with a well put-together GUI that first asks you to configure the connection you want to handle.

The source and target IP addresses are displayed, with the possibility of indicating a connection name and protocol type. Besides, users must choose between a client and server mode, with the possibility of encrypting network data. Users should be aware that each port can be customized as they see fit, with individual settings.

Apart from splitting TPC or UDP streams, the program can also carry out a NAT bypass for TCP servers.

As for the context in which the software utility could prove helpful, it should be pointed out that, by relying on it, you can rest assured that one single sensor can issue reading for two navigation systems. What’s more, handling data you have collected about your network in a secure and efficient manner, without disclosing sensitive information, is possible.

On an ending note, TCP Splitter Crack is a piece of software designed to help you carry out TCP to UDP conversions as well as the other way around, while also being able to split them into two or three data streams for monitoring purposes, all in an intuitive user interface that leads you through the configuration process.

TCP Splitter reviews

07 December 2019

grazie mille per il patch del TCP Splitter

22 April 2020

TCP Splitter के सीरियल नंबर के लिए धन्यवाद

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